
Triple-A Sports

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2024-2025 Triple-A Sports programs

Triple-A Sports continues to provide quality programs in year 2024-2025. Triple-A Sports will offer Tennis Badminton Volleyball Basketball Volleyball Club Saturday programs will be offered all year round from September 2024 to August 2025. The coaches at Triple-A Sports have been through the professional training, competition and (or) coaching at the provincial and national levels. […]

2024 Basketball Camp

This summer make a date with basketball! In summer 2024, Triple-A’s professional basketball camp will continue! Campers will be placed into different groups by level and age. All campers will be trained four days a week in following aspects: technical, tactical, physical and mental. Train your kids into physical exercises! The love of sport starts […]

2024 Tennis Camp

This summer we have a date on tennis court! In summer 2024, Triple-A’s professional tennis camp will continue! Campers will be placed into different groups by level and age. All campers will be trained four days a week in following aspects: technical, tactical, physical and mental. Train your kids into physical exercises! The life long […]

2023-2024 Programs

2023-2024 programs will start on September 16, 2023. Most courses will be held on Saturdays, while more tennis will be offer during weekday evenings. This year all Saturday programs will adopt a 10-session fee structure, which offers maximum flexibility to players. The package can be used during the school year before the end of the […]

2023 Winter Sports Program

Triple-A offers it all no matter it is basketball, volleyball, badminton or tennis, to kids at all levels from ground zero. Our dedicated professional team will teach it all hand in hand. I. Saturday Programs 1. Dates (15 days) Jan02023 14th, 28th Off Jan 21st Feb-2023 4th, 11th, 18th End of winter term Mar-2023 4th, […]

2022-2023 Girls’ Basketball

Girls are disadvantaged when practice basketball with boys. Triple-A acknowledges such situation and this year, will dedicate the basketball program to girls. Girls will learn the sport they love at their own pace, focus primarily on techniques and mastering the ball, the basket and the game, before diving into the fierce confrontation unique to basketball. […]

2022-2023 Badminton

2022 fall badminton starts Sep 17th. Course time, fee and all information is as below: * Beginner: 15h00 – 16h30 | 498$ * Intermediate: 16h30 – 18h00 | 498$ * Dates: Sep 17th, 24th Program starts Sep 17th Oct 1st, 15th, 22nd, 29th Oct 8 off for Thanksgiving Nov 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th   Dec […]

2022-2023 Volleyball

Triple-A Volleyball scrutinizes on the basic techniques. Coaches will go into details to disect each move and motion based on bio-machanical theories. Solid basic techniques guarantee an entry ticket to the school team. Read what parents said on the program: “Very helpful… My daughter entered CEGEP school team right away. The focus on techniques definitely […]

2022-2023 Competitive Tennis

Players participating in 2022-2023 competitive tennis will be required to perform the following: Guarantee the attendance twice a week as scheduled; Sign up for a match event every month as recommended; Take private session with a coach as necessary (as required) Improve physical fitness is key to players at competive level. As the class time […]

Summer Volleyball Frenzie 2022

A rare chance to shine your volleyball techniques! Whether you want to try out for school’s volleyball team or simply like to improve your skills, join the team! Passionate and professional coaches will scrutinize all techniques from serve to spike. For whom: beginners, intermediate players Age: 11 years and older * Dates and time: Session […]

Triple-A Basketball Summer 2022

Triple-A Basketball returns this summer. * Date: June 27 to August 12 (Monday to Thursday, automatic rain date: Friday) * 6-12 years old: 9h00 – 12h00 (limited to 25 spots) * 13+: 13h00 – 16h00 (limited to 25 spots) * End of season activities: Friday August 12 (9h00 – 16h00) * Fee:   – 7-week […]

Tennis Summer 2022

Learn competitive tennis and train with professionals! Triple-A’s 2022 summer tennis is going to be a 7-week program, three hours a day Monday to Thursday. This year the competitive players will also have an option to play tournaments on weekends. Details to be confirmed later. * Date: June 27 to August 12 * Beginner: 9h00 […]

Beginner Tennis

Train complete tennis basics both techniques and physical fitness (limited to 6 participants per class) – 90 minutes basic techniques: forehand and backhand baseline, volley, smash and serve – 30 minutes tennis specific physical fitness: footwork, reflex, flexibility and core * Time: – 3:00-5:00pm: 6-9 years old     – 4:00-6:00pm: 10 years old and over […]

2021-2022 Indoor Tennis

There are two sessions in 2021-2022 indoor tennis: 2021 fall session and 2022 winter session 1. 2021 fall session: * Beginner (max 18 players, coach player ratio 1:6)   – Time: Fridays 19h30-21h00   – Fee: $280   – Class dates: Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26, Dec. 3, 10, 17 * Intermediate N1 (max 12 […]

Special volleyball program for 6th graders

Volleyball is essentially a group sport. By playing volleyball, players will foster team spirit and cooperation, friendship and competition. Most players make their lifelong friends in the sport. Every year the secondary schools will only select a few players to participate the school team.   Fall 2021 alone, Brebeuf had about 50 student players in the […]

Tennis Fall 1-2021

Fall tennis are in two sessions: outdoor and indoor 1. Outdoor: * Beginner (max 18 players, coach player ratio 1:6)   – Time: Saturdays 16h00-18h00, Wednesdays 18h00-20h00   – Fee: 599$   – Class dates:     + Saturdays (7): Sep. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23     + Wednesdays (7): Sep. 15, 22, […]

Summer basketball comes at last!

As Quebec has eventually loosened the rules on group sports we gladly announce that we will host a summer basketball program this summer. Shake off the depression from the lockdown, let’s enjoy the sport in the sun! * Date: June 28 to August 5 (Monday to Thursday, six weeks, rain date to be advised) * […]

2021 Summer tennis is starting!

After the pandemic we expect to have group tennis back this summer. This summer is going to be a 7-week program, three hours a day Monday to Thursday. Shake off the depression from the lockdown, let’s enjoy the sport in the sun! * Date: June 28 to August 13 * Beginner: 9h00 – 12h00 (4/court/coach, […]


特殊时期,由于新冠隔离,三佳网球原来打算取消三佳杯赛。但是随着魁省和加拿大的网球比赛逐渐恢复,在网球发烧友的一力支持下,三佳网球在9月5日和6日的劳动节周末举办了小规模的慈善比赛。 今年的三佳杯赛只设了U12、U18、两个成人男子单打和成人女子单打几个年龄组的单打比赛。经过两天的激烈角逐,五个年龄组的奖牌分别落入: 青少年U12:冠军冯文赫、亚军陈翊菲、季军谢昊宇 青少年U18:冠军陈翊鸣、亚军楚雨霖、季军李朴夫 男士18+:冠军裴祥晋(蝉联)、亚军王达豪、季军陆巍 男士40+:冠军王达豪(蝉联)、亚军陆巍、季军Lloyd Mangahas 女士:冠军何敏智(蝉联)、亚军刘煜、季军符薇 虽然参赛选手比往年少,但今年的比赛质量非常高,第一轮异常激烈,最典型的是男子40+第一轮比赛的三场球每场球都几乎花了两个小时。 本届参赛选手对本届比赛的评价很高。有球员在朋友圈里留言:“今年的三佳杯可以用“近乎完美”形容…” 还有球员赛后的留言中谈到,“…在这次比赛(中)个人收获不小。场上能打出几个自己都没想到的好球…打出的好球是属于自己的,快乐幸福感很强…彻底理解了为啥网球(发烧友)有那么大的热情…现在对自己有信心了,也有目标了…” 本次比赛的报名费净收入1179元将捐赠给Barbara和Norman Kadanoff癌症研究基金。选手们都很感谢主办方三佳网球慷慨赞助所有比赛用球和球员纪念品,价值超过1300加元。 比赛成功举办,离不开志愿组委的无私奉献。刘煜、王鸿鹏和符薇在没有比赛的周六分别坐镇调配成人赛场次;李锐、王丽萍、Jaxon Lin、李恩宜。Allen Zhou两天都在默默承担组委和裁判工作,哪里有事哪里上;爵士和鸿鹏的摄影留下了选手和赛场的瞬间,陆巍、张桐在比赛之余仍然操心组织比赛,是三佳杯高效的基础。非常感谢每一位的奉献和付出!

The 8th Triple-A Asian Charity Tennis

Draws and schedules are out! Please scroll down to the bottom to download draws and schedules. Date: Labor Day Weekend, Sept 5 – 6, 2020 Venue: Matches will be played in following courts: — Parc Saint-Laurent: base for adult singles — Parc Noel-Sud: base for U12 and U18 singles — Parc Marlborough: semi and finals […]

Triple-A Volleyball Club

Saturday evening 6-9pm, come join the team and play a game! Regardless of your age or level, you’ll sure find the group of players that you belong. Meet new friends, ror enew the friendship, you’ll leave the stress behind and have a nice fun game! 2024-2025 (Sep 2024 – Aug 2025) membership fee: – Single: […]

Triple-A Tennis

As the flagship of Triple-A Sports, Triple-A Tennis attracts some national level coaches, including Mohamed, Omar, Kais and Reda. The passion and the professionalism combined benefits our tennis players. In addition to Saturday classes Triple-A Tennis offers evening sessions on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays in September and October. 1. Saturday class info: * Time: – […]

Triple-A Volleyball

Led by Tao, former captain of the provincial youth team (He-nan Province) and the head coach of Luohe youth team, Tao accumulated rich experience and solid techniques. Tao headed Triple-A Volleyball since 2016. He trained many of the players to qualify for college teams. Elaine is one of Triple-A’s players who went on to Breuf […]

Triple-A Badminton

Coach Ferdouse will continue to head Triple-A badminton, where she has served since 2011. A former Olympian, Coach Ferdouse has been well liked by players for her details and patience. Players will be assessed and placed into following two categories: – Beginner: 3:00-4:30pm – Intermediate: 4:30-6:00pm Players will be further divided into 2 groups and […]