
Triple-A Basketball

Richard started coaching basketball at Triple-A in fall 2023. His attention to details and extreme patience soon earned the hearts of all the players.

Rookie basketball: for kids ages 6 to 8 years old. The young players will learn basic basketball techniques in addition to physical training, including reaction speed and eye-hand coordination. Both will in turn actively help shape the growth of body and mind

Time: 18h00-19h00

Fee: 20$/single session (trial)      180$/10 sessions

Serious basketball:  for players 9+ years old. Players will not only practice all the techniques, but start getting into tactics and formations. Players will also be introduced to various positions for further development

Time: 19h00-21h00

Fee: 40$/single session (trial)          360$/10 sessions

Click HERE to sign up for Triple-A basketball now

Click HERE to view more details on 2024-2025 programs