
Triple-A Tennis

As the flagship of Triple-A Sports, Triple-A Tennis attracts some national level coaches, including Mohamed, Omar, Kais and Reda. The passion and the professionalism combined benefits our tennis players.

In addition to Saturday classes Triple-A Tennis offers evening sessions on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays in September and October.

1. Saturday class info:

* Time:

– 3:00-4:30pm: beginner

– 4:30-6:00pmL intermediate

* Course fees: 45$/single (trial)    400$/10 sessions

* Venue: Triple-A Sports Saint-Laurent

Click HERE to sign up for Triple-A Tennis now https://forms.gle/yemxteJkA9SaaxWs7

2. Evening classes: evening classes will be offered outdoor on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday evenings in September and October. The duration of the class will be based on number of participants, e.g. ONE hour for 1-2 players, TWO hours for 3-4 players

* Dates: September 3rd to October 30th

* Time: 6:00-8:00pm

* Course fees: 40$/single (trial)    360$/10 sessions

Click HERE to sign up for Triple-A Tennis now

For more Triple-A Sports programs and Saturday dates click HERE